2018Curated by Georgia Stephenson and Nina Davies
Enclave, London
Works by artists Nina Davis, Flora Hunt and Michael Hautemulle that ask the audience to observe their own engagement with the moving body and the performing object.
The show created a space that blurs the boundaries between the entertainment, sport and fine art industries through the translation of language and action or the rearrangement of bodies and objects.

Presented works by Michael Hautemulle:
I ♥ Medusa
Stoneware, video
03 hours 25 minutes
Act III, scene 1
Act III Scene 1 Du Bist Nicht Was Du Dich Wahnst! (Wanderer) of Richard Wagner’s Siegfried (part three of Der Ring des Nibelungen) 1871, beech wood, disembodied voice, Flint, LED light, seven minutes of silence
04:29 minutes